“Mary, Mary, did you hear that!” Martha said urgently, tapping her sister,  who lay sleeping beside her

“Mary!” She said louder this time and hitting her louder.

“Yes! Yes…. I’m up Martha, what is it?” Mary asked, annoyed but hiding her annoyance at her older sister, they were raised better than to disrespect elders.

“Listen … can you hear that? I think it’s Jesus, He’s here, do you hear?”  Martha said, seating upright, listening, and anxious for a confirmation “Get up Mary, follow me, let’s go check” she continued

“But the men that came in two nights ago, said He wouldn’t be here till next week as He’s still far away. And I’m sure Jesus wouldn’t want us watching day and night for him sister, Let’s go back to bed, We have prepared enough and When Jesus comes, He’ll knock” Mary responded quietly, trying to convince Martha so she wouldn’t have to leave the bed.

They’d been working hard for the past two days, cleaning, getting supplies and water for Jesus’s visit, she was tired and wanted to sleep some more.

“Get up, Mary!” Martha said a little louder, yanking the covers off her sister “Get up this minute or so help me God, I’ll- “

They heard it at the same time, the sound of a multitude growing closer with every step

Mary needed no more urging, she ran out of the room with her sister,

“Jesus is here!”

 It sang like a melody in her heart, she’d looked forward to an encounter for so long, God in flesh, she had heard enough about Him to know that no matter what, she was going to spend as long as she could with Him. He was the answer to everything…. Emmanuel!

“Go! Get the door Mary, I’d go get water to wash His feet and put the bread in oven to heat up, the soup to boil and get about setting up the….” Martha listed as she walked into the kitchen leaving Mary heading for the door.

He was teaching, preaching from the bible about the Father’s love, mercy, believing and leaping over walls. Mary sat on the floor closest to Jesus’s feet, drinking in every word like a thirsty deer in front of water, She was going to remember these words for the rest of her life,  she was going to live by them, teaching them to as many as possible. Mary was just about to ask a question when she heard her sister’s voice call out to Jesus…

“Lord! Jesus! don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” Martha boomed, with anger and entitlement resounding in every word.

‘Oh boy, I’m in so much trouble, why did she have to embarrass me? Now Jesus would think I’m lazy and disrespectful’ Mary thought, already rising at her feet to leave before Jesus scolds her, He would be right and justified. The law even demands of her to help around and care for guests as a woman.

“Martha, Martha ” Jesus started with a soft laugh that took the whole room by surprise…

“Martha, you are getting worried and upset about too many things but

Only one thing is important, Mary has made the right choice, and it will never be taken away from her…”

The silence that followed was like one that followed when a baby fell for the first time, it wasn’t just the wisdom in the words He spoke or the unexpected He just delivered or the way He said it, it was everything. It got everyone thinking, then humming, then clapping.

Of course the most important thing is to stay in the presence of our Lord, feeding from His word rather than out of His Presence working for Him. There was no debate.

Mary sat back down with a sigh, this time, she moved closer, more bold, unashamed, smiling with her hands tucked under her chin, ‘I’d stay here forever if I can’ she said to herself ‘I’d seat at His Feet without a care in the world, it’s been affirmed, that this is the most important part of life’

“Mary!” She said louder this time and hitting her louder.

“Yes! Yes…. I’m up Martha, what is it?” Mary asked, annoyed but hiding her annoyance at her older sister, they were raised better than to disrespect elders.

“Listen … can you hear that? I think it’s Jesus, He’s here, do you hear?”  Martha said, seating upright, listening, and anxious for a confirmation “Get up Mary, follow me, let’s go check” she continued

“But the men that came in two nights ago, said He wouldn’t be here till next week as He’s still far away. And I’m sure Jesus wouldn’t want us watching day and night for him sister, Let’s go back to bed, We have prepared enough and When Jesus comes, He’ll knock” Mary responded quietly, trying to convince Martha so she wouldn’t have to leave the bed.

They’d been working hard for the past two days, cleaning, getting supplies and water for Jesus’s visit, she was tired and wanted to sleep some more.

“Get up, Mary!” Martha said a little louder, yanking the covers off her sister “Get up this minute or so help me God, I’ll- “

They heard it at the same time, the sound of a multitude growing closer with every step

Mary needed no more urging, she ran out of the room with her sister,

“Jesus is here!”

 It sang like a melody in her heart, she’d looked forward to an encounter for so long, God in flesh, she had heard enough about Him to know that no matter what, she was going to spend as long as she could with Him. He was the answer to everything…. Emmanuel!

“Go! Get the door Mary, I’d go get water to wash His feet and put the bread in oven to heat up, the soup to boil and get about setting up the….” Martha listed as she walked into the kitchen leaving Mary heading for the door.

He was teaching, preaching from the bible about the Father’s love, mercy, believing and leaping over walls. Mary sat on the floor closest to Jesus’s feet, drinking in every word like a thirsty deer in front of water, She was going to remember these words for the rest of her life,  she was going to live by them, teaching them to as many as possible. Mary was just about to ask a question when she heard her sister’s voice call out to Jesus…

“Lord! Jesus! don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” Martha boomed, with anger and entitlement resounding in every word.

‘Oh boy, I’m in so much trouble, why did she have to embarrass me? Now Jesus would think I’m lazy and disrespectful’ Mary thought, already rising at her feet to leave before Jesus scolds her, He would be right and justified. The law even demands of her to help around and care for guests as a woman.

“Martha, Martha ” Jesus started with a soft laugh that took the whole room by surprise…

“Martha, you are getting worried and upset about too many things but

Only one thing is important, Mary has made the right choice, and it will never be taken away from her…”

The silence that followed was like one that followed when a baby fell for the first time, it wasn’t just the wisdom in the words He spoke or the unexpected He just delivered or the way He said it, it was everything. It got everyone thinking, then humming, then clapping.

Of course the most important thing is to stay in the presence of our Lord, feeding from His word rather than out of His Presence working for Him. There was no debate.

Mary sat back down with a sigh, this time, she moved closer, more bold, unashamed, smiling with her hands tucked under her chin, ‘I’d stay here forever if I can’ she said to herself ‘I’d seat at His Feet without a care in the world, it’s been affirmed, that this is the most important part of life’

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