I came to an understanding recently that the quality of your life is majorly dependent on how truly happy you are…especially within.
You see, as humans, We usually want everything to be perfect, we want our friends to like us better, we want our family to treat us better, we want more recognition from others and all these expectations just bring us down, they keep us from life itself, make us bitter and lonely.
Choose joy!

No matter how much it hurt, no matter how right you are, choose joy…(I finally understand SIA when she said “I’ll walk through fire to save my life”)…It might seem like the hardest thing to do but fight for joy, cry and hurt but still choose joy.
Joke or not, laugh, Laugh so hard, your ribs ache
Reason or not, Smile, Smile so hard your lips hurt
Sing along to the music, any music at all
Dance, no matter how bad at it you are.
Make every decision, every word, every action based on joy.

What is Joy?
Joy, to me, is that deep rich feeling of life and that’s where true living is found.
Think about all the days that you lived, the days you didn’t want to end, they were days you laughed the most, the days you felt joy in your heart.

The memories you lock in are the happy ones, the ones that came from a place of joy.
Its that simple, the answer to what life really is.

I imagine that’s why David was a man after God’s heart… He was so full of joy. David sang all the time, he made up the words as they came. He made up more psalms and music than could ever be recorded. He’s heart was ever open, all He knew was joy and love, even with Saul. He knew how to dance to nakedness, David never lost a war, He was well assured that God is His Sherperd, His ever present Help in every time of need and with that at heart, He enJOYed his life!
(With all this plenty talk about David, I’m very sure you kknow by now that I have a crush 😍)

So choose joy everyday and live! Really live!
Let your every thought be that of joy, thoughts of God and His Love for you (more than half of the bible is a love story to you from Him)
Let your words and action come from a place of joy.

Truth is, once you come to understand what living joyfully means, all the things that bring you down become petty and trivial, your faith gets stronger and the term “love” gets more understanding to you, God becomes closer and clearer and you actually enjoy life abundantly and victoriously!

So wake up everyday and declare joy into your life “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it” and Choose Joy!

God’s Great Message in my Little Words,


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